- Initial Public Offer (IPO)
- Financial Information
- Material Creditors
- Brief Financial of Group Company
- Industry Report
- Corporate Governance
- Board & Committees
- Investors Contacts
The standalone financial statements of Corrtech International Limited (“Company”) and for Corrtech Energy Limited ("Material Subsidiary”), as at and for the year ended March 31 2021, March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019, and the reports thereon dated June 16, 2021, June 29, 2020 and June 21, 2019 and August 31, 2021, July 15, 2020 and May 08, 2019, respectively (“Standalone Financial Statements”), have been uploaded here by the Company solely to comply with the requirements specified in the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2018.
Please note that the Standalone Financial Statements do not constitute a draft, red herring or final prospectus, a statement in lieu of a prospectus, an offering circular, an offering memorandum, an advertisement, an offer or a solicitation of any offer or an offer document to purchase or sell any securities under the Companies Act, 2013, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2018, or any other applicable law in India or elsewhere in the world. The Standalone Financial Statements should not be considered as part of information that any investor should consider to subscribe for or purchase any securities of the Company and should not be relied upon or used as a basis for any investment decision.
The information contained herein does not constitute an offer for sale of, or solicitation of an offer to buy, the securities of the Company in the United States or in any other jurisdiction. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
While care has been taken in preparing the Standalone Financial Statements, none of the Company or any of its advisors, nor any book running lead managers or selling shareholders, nor any of their respective employees, directors, affiliates, agents or representatives accept any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from any information presented or contained in the Standalone Financial Statements, or the opinions expressed therein. None of the foregoing shall be liable for any direct or indirect losses arising from the use thereof and the viewers are requested to use the information contained herein at their own risk.
These Standalone Financial Statements should not be copied, reproduced, re-circulated, re-distributed, published or advertised in any media, website or otherwise, in any form or manner, in part or as a whole, without the express consent in writing from the Company. Any unauthorized use of the Standalone Financial Statements contained herein is prohibited. Accordingly, any persons in possession of the aforesaid should inform themselves about and observe any such restrictions. Information contained in the Standalone Financial Statements is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. No reliance should be placed on, the accuracy, fairness or completeness of the information presented or contained in these Standalone Financial Statements. Further, past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Any opinion expressed on the Standalone Financial Statements are subject to change without notice.
The Standalone Financial Statements are only current as of the dates specified therein and neither the Company nor any of its respective advisors or representatives is under any obligation to update you in the event the information in the Standalone Financial Statements becomes stale or inaccurate. You must make your own assessment of the relevance, accuracy and adequacy of the information contained in the Standalone Financial Statements and must make such independent investigation as you may consider necessary or appropriate for such purpose.
Financial Information
Corrtech International Limited
Composition of Board of Directors
Name of the Director | (DIN) | Designation |
AmitIndrasen Mittal | 01644010 | Chairman and Managing Director |
SandeepIndrasen Mittal | 01643818 | Wholetime Director |
Pradyuman R.Tiwari | 03560169 | Wholetime Director |
Sanjay Verma | 08979532 | Independent Director |
Ramesh Chandra Gupta | 07071252 | Independent Director |
Vimal Maganbhai Patel | 09429174 | Independent Director |
Shaily Jatin Dedhia | 08853685 | Independent Director |
Audit Committee
Sr. No. | Name of the Director | Designation in the Committee |
1. | Ramesh Chandra Gupta | Chairman |
2. | Vimal Maganbhai Patel | Member |
3. | Shaily Jatin Dedhia | Member |
4. | Amit Indrasen Mittal | Member |
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Sr. No. | Name of the Director | Designation in the Committee |
1. | Sanjay Verma | Chairman |
2. | Vimal Maganbhai Patel | Member |
3. | Shaily Jatin Dedhia | Member |
Stakeholders Relationship Committee
Sr. No. | Name of the Director | Designation in the Committee |
1. | Sanjay Verma | Chairman |
2. | Amit Indrasen Mittal | Member |
3. | Sandeep Indrasen Mittal | Member |
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
Sr. No. | Name of the Director | Designation in the Committee |
1. | Amit Indrasen Mittal | Chairman |
2. | Vimal Maganbhai Patel | Member |
3. | Sandeep Indrasen Mittal | Member |
4. | Pradyuman R Tiwari | Member |
Risk Management Committee
Sr. No. | Name of the Director | Designation in the Committee |
1. | Amit Indrasen Mittal | Chairman |
2. | SandeepIndrasen Mittal | Member |
3. | Ramesh Chandra Gupta | Member |
4. | Mittal Pankaj kumar Shah | Member |
Investors Contacts
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Compliance Officer: Anita Chellani
Address: 51 MahagujaratIndEstate, Opp Nova Petrochemicals,
Sarkhej-Bavla Highway Village Moraiya,
Changodar – 382213, Gujarat, India
Phone: 079 26313138
Email: compliance@corrtech.in
Registrar to the Offer
Link Intime India Private Limited
Address: C 101, 247 Park, L. B. S. Marg,Vikhroli (West),
Mumbai 400 083, Maharashtra, India
Tel: +91 22 4918 6200
E-mail: corrtech.ipo@linktime.co.in
Investor grievance e-mail: corrtech.ipo@linktime.co.in
Website: www.linkintime.co.in
Contact person: Shanti Gopalkrishnan
SEBI registration number: INR000004058
Registered & Corporate Office
Corrtech International Limited
Address: 51 MahagujaratInd Estate, Opp Nova Petrochemicals,
Sarkhej-Bavla Highway Village Moraiya,
Changodar – 382213, Gujarat, India.